Bitcoin Fund Self Certify Success

Thankyou for successfully self certifying that you are eligible to participate in the BTST Bitcoin Fund.

Please be sure to have fully read the prospectus for the BTST Bitcoin Fund before sending investment capital. You can download it here:

Download Prospectus

You can also contact me (Adam) directly with any questions at: [email protected]

If you have already read the Prospectus and want to participate in the Fund, please send a bank transfer to:

Sort Code: 30-96-93
Account Number: 36591768

Once sent, please email us at ([email protected]) to confirm:

  1. Your Full name
  2. The amount sent
  3. Your best contact details
  4. Who we should contact in case we ever cannot contact you
  5. Any other information you would like us to have (instructions on Next of Kin for example)

None of the above is required by us but is requested for our records only. It will be stored offline as this is much more secure than online. We will never share your information with any third party unless you ask us to.

Welcome to the Fund! I’m excited about what the next Bitcoin cycle may bring.

All the best,

Adam Blair
[email protected]