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“Pay Per Mile” Car Tax Scheme

For months now I’ve been pondering just what the government are up to with simultaneously closing thousands of roads across the UK without any explanation. I just knew that it had to be something nefarious, and that it is likely a “conspiracy”, which willbe good for the government and bad for us… But I couldn’t quite …

Name for Car Buy/Sell Website

A few months ago I went to sell a car on Autotrader. I uploaded the photos, wrote the description, and selected all the options… Then, to my extreme irritation, I got this message: That’s right, unless you are prepared to send Autotrader (as well as whoever they share datawith) your passport and a picture of …

Roads Closed EVERYWHERE…!

Dear All, In recent months In the South East, I’ve noticed that on almost every journey there is at least one road closed… For example, earlier today I took my daughter to school. The journey time is usually ~30 minutes, but the Mrs warned me that you now need to take some obscure route along single track …

Latest Speed Camera Scam…

62,000 speeding tickets have been sent to Motorists in just 6 weeks after a speed limit change on the A20 in Kent. The speed limit was changed from 70mph to 40mph overnight, with only small “repeater” signs installed to advise drivers of the change: Suspiciously, this is on the same road we reported on recently, where a supposedly …

“Anti Privacy” Speer Cameras Rolled Out…

Dear All, A insidious new type of mobile “road safety” camera, which mounts to the roof of cars and vans is being rolled out across 10 new “police” forces. We first notified Members of the cameras being tested 7 months ago, in Kent and Cornwall… They can either be static — like the speed camera vans we …

1000s of Drivers Tricked By “Fake” 50mph Sign…

A “fake” 50mph sign was placed on the A20 in Kent last month: It caused 1000’s of drivers to receive a speeding ticket after the speed limit had been“temporarily” reduced by Transport for London… The so-called police said the 50mph sign was installed by “an unauthorised third party” in January, just as speed cameras were …

Bitcoin “All Time High” Today!

I was planning on writing a newsletter on the latest speeding scandal today, but I decided todelay that until later in the week. Why? Well I woke up this morning to see that Bitcoin is at a new all time high in price! Those of you who follow Bitcoin in $USD (as I do) may be …

The Law On “Using Your Phone While Driving”

Dear All, I’m happy that after a lot of back and forth, fact checking, and questions to our Lawyers, we’ve now got “the” answer for Members to easily understand the legislation on using your phone while driving. Lets start with the key points: Where the interpretation comes in is if your attention is taken away …

Mobile Phone Tickets *DOUBLE*

Drivers being convicted for mobile phone “offences” almost doubled between 2021 – 2022. The latest information shows that there was a 93% increase in Drivers being prosecuted for using their phone while driving… I’m going to guess that in 2023 it more than doubled again …we will see. However — as always with government extortion rackets — all is not as it …