Hi Adam,
I bought an early set of BTST letters approx 2 years or so ago.
At the time I was driving articulated lorries for a living and wanted to have some defence in the event that I may at some point receive a NOIP.
Studying the structure of the letters received I got the gist of how to respond. Essentially not to admit guilt by acknowledging the alleged offence but to ‘reply’ in a structured manner.
I cannibalised the letters on 2 separate occasions: –
1st Success:
First NOIP was received for allegedly running a red light at Hanger Lane gyratory travelling south on the North Circular.
Photos were provided with the NOIP that indicated the speed and rear of the vehicle crossing the junction with date and time of the alleged offence.
(Andrew wrote a long and detailed explanation of his case which we have omitted).
I did receive a response stating that the whole vehicle had to have crossed the stop line but in the circumstances no further action would be taken and that the NOIP would be can cancelled.
2nd Success:
Second NOIP was received for allegedly stopping in a restricted parking zone in Cheam. Furthermore that the time observed exceeded the maximum stopping time permitted. Again some photos were provided.
(Again, Andrew provided a lot of detail about this case, which we have omitted).
Using a combination of the BTST letters I wrote challenging the NOIP a no further action letter was received that included a load of spiel.
Both cases closed thanks to BTST letters with creative additions.
For me the price of the BTST letters proved a good investment. Thank you
Best regards
Some minor edits have been made (paragraph spacing, bolding etc) to improve readability – the actual text hasn’t been altered.
Update: At the time of writing (10:15AM, Thursday 15th August), 379 copies of the 2019 BTST Template Letters have been claimed by Members.
That means that there are 121 copies remaining before the offer closes.
Order Your Copy of 2019 Template Letters:
As was the case last year, there will be 500 copies available to BTST Members only and we will NOT make these Template Letters publicly available either now or at any time in the future.
Stay safe on the roads!
Please Agree Before Ordering:
- We use the term “template letters” in the context that you should use them only if they apply to your situation.
- We strongly advise against using the letters if you have to be dishonest to do so.
- The Letters are passed on to you on the explicit understanding that you only use them if you do not have to lie by doing so.
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