BTST Member Competition! *WIN* A Trackday Experience:

Dear All,
We’ve decided to offer 5 Members the chance to win a BTST Trackday Experience:
- Drive our awesome Suzuki Swift Sport Trackday Car with a professional ARDS Racing Instructor chosen by Adam (about our Suzuki Swift Sport trackday car) .
- Unlimited “Hot Lap” passenger rides with Adam in his Audi TTCR race car, which he is racing in the Audi TT Cup in 2023 (about our Audi TTCR race car) .
- Tea, coffee, snacks provided.
- Helmets and all other equipment provided.
- 2 Professional ARDS Instructors and Mechanics on hand all day.
- Adam on hand all day for Hot Laps and advice (about Adam’s racing history) .
Full details and T&C’s can be read below:
- The Prize
Full Trackday Experience. Drive our race team prepared Suzuki Swift Sport trackday car and experience “hot lap” passenger rides with Adam in our Audi TTCR Race Car!
There will be 5 Winners.
- Cost per Ticket
Rather than just purchasing a raffle ticket, to abide by Lottery / Gambling rules you must answer a question that requires a certain element of skill or knowledge.
Each entry to the competition is £5 (discounted if you buy more than 5 tickets).
There are a maximum of 999 tickets in total, but there can be less if they do not sell out.
The Winners will be selected at random from the list of entrants that answered the question correctly.
The draw will be filmed and published so that all entrants can see that it is done fairly.
We reserve the right to cancel the competition if there are not enough entries or other events beyond our control occur. In this instance you will either receive a full refund, or the Winners will be made an offer of a cash alternative instead.
- Who can enter?
You must: a) be over the age of 18; b) have a full UK Driving Licence, which are both requirements of the circuits. If you don’t have a Driving Licence you can still enter but will be limited to “hot lap” passenger rides only (which many find the most enjoyable part!).
- When is it?
The competition starts when the page goes “live” to BTST Members. The competition will end either on 19th October 2023, or when the minimum number of tickets have sold.
We reserve the right to bring forward or extend the competition end date.
- When will the trackday be?
We will liaise with the Winners after the draw to organise the day on a date that everyone can can attend. It will have to tie in with the available dates from the circuit.
- Where will the trackday be held?
Our preferred circuit is Brands Hatch but if the Winners request a different circuit, we will do our best to accommodate.
- Liability Waiver
You agree that you are familiar with the nature of the activity and confirm that you are aware that accidents, although rare, can happen and that Motorsport can be dangerous. You accept these risks and confirm that you will not hold BTST Trackdays or any company or person associated with it liable in the event of an accident.
- Refunds
Refunds will only be made in the event of cancellation by us.
- How the Winners are chosen
Each ticket will be assigned a unique number, in the order that it is received. We will use a random number generator from (either or similar), and generate a random number between the smallest and largest ticket number.
If one of the 5 winning numbers matches your ticket(s), that is the winning entry! If the number drawn is for an incorrect answer, then due to gaming regulations we will redraw until a winning number is drawn. We will record the number generation process in case of any disputes.