I was planning on writing a newsletter on the latest speeding scandal today, but I decided to
delay that until later in the week.
Well I woke up this morning to see that Bitcoin is at a new all time high in price!
Those of you who follow Bitcoin in $USD (as I do) may be wondering what I’m talking about?
After all, its still around $5,000 below its previous all time high in US Dollars.
Well, I’m talking about in “our” currency, £ Pound Sterling, the oldest currency in the World that’s still used as legal tender…
Bitcoin has been making dozens of all time highs in local “fiat” currencies all over the world over the last year.
For example, in the Japanese Yen (early last month), the Turkish Lira (June 2023) and the Egyptian Pound (October 2023).
If you think those currencies are just particularly weak…
Its even almost at a new all time high in the historically extremely strong Swiss Franc.
And its at an all time high in Euros today as well…
Whats coming for these currencies is what happened in Argentina to their Peso.
Bitcoin hit an all time in April last year, and is now around nine times higher:

They devalue at first slowly, then quickly — notice the price of everything in the last year or two
Then they begin to hyper inflate.
We know this because its happened time and time again throughout history…
If you keep your money in local currencies, it value gets inflated away to nothing.
Bitcoin is the answer to this.
I have several friends who are extremely successful financially, but do not yet understand the need for Bitcoin.
If you can get your head around it now, you are *way* ahead of the vast majority of people.
So is this a “mania” phase in Bitcoin?
I’m very sure its not, for the reasons explained in my last report.
Is it too late to learn about Bitcoin and look at moving your money in to the best performing and most secure asset in history?
Absolutely not. We are still *very* early.
Bitcoin will go to infinity in £GBP and eventually in $USD as well.
You can learn all about it by reading my reports.
I suggest you start with my latest Report, which is focused on how to become a “Bitcoin Millionaire” in a short time period.
To celebrate today’s new all time high in price I’ve temporarily made this report available to you at half price.
The discount will last until midnight tomorrow and then automatically revert back to the original price.
Have a great week!
P.S. Congratulations to all Members who bought Bitcoin after reading my reports when they
were first published :-) This is just the beginning.
If you didn’t, don’t worry, you are still incredibly early, as explained in the report:
Get your copy here
(discount automatically applied)