Dear All,
Happy 2025!
Its hard to believe that its now 20 years since I started BTST.
In that time, I’ve witnessed significant changes in our country.
Sadly, mostly for the worse…
So, for the now traditional New Years Day newsletter, I wanted to talk about hope.
As most of us are now aware, we’ve witnessed an insidious “creep” over recent years in Britain towards totalitarianism …
One major manifestation of this is the targeted harassment and vilification of Motorists.
Whether the motivation for the “creep” is purely monetary, or part of an even more underhand
agenda to control the population, I’m really not sure…
But as you’ll know as a long term BTST Member, personally, I cannot and will not accept it.
And I know that many BTST Members feel the same way.
So on the first day of the new year, I thought it would be good to put forward some solutions which have worked well for me, and that I plan to implement going forward.
Here’s a list of the 4 things I’ll be making a conscious effort to do in 2025, and would like to encourage other BTST Members to do as well…
Ignore any order, dictate, or “law” you believe is evil…
We’re all familiar with the question of why people in Germany in the 1930s and 40s blindly obeyed tyrannical leaders, and allowed them to do such awful things.
Of course, an expert could write volumes of books on the subject!
But — as a non expert — I’ll attempt to simplify it:
There was a consistent “creep” towards totalitarianism over a long period of time.
The Nazis didn’t announce their plans to murder people and conquer other countries from
the outset.
Instead, they started by making innocent suggestions, and gradually ramped up their plans
little by little over time, always finding a seemingly reasonable justification for the next evil thing they wanted to do.
In the end, the people found themselves in a situation they couldn’t get out of while their families and country got decimated.
That’s the direction our country is headed in my opinion…
I’m not suggesting Britain — or “The UK” as people seem to call it these days — is going to start any wars.
Rather, that we are heading towards totalitarianism, with the removal of liberties such as
freedom of speech, freedom to transact how and with whom you wish, and the freedom to criticize what you disagree with.
You’ll notice the common theme here is freedom.
Specifically the attempted removal of it.
My view is that we have to ignore any “rules” or “laws” which attempt to remove such freedoms, even at the risk of penalty.
If we instead choose to comply, our ancestors will no doubt be asking “why did they allow this to happen…?”
Practice being Brave…
I notice that fear is extremely common among people in Britain today.
I see it all the time in my own Friends and Family.
It seems to be much more prevalent in towns and cities than in the countryside, where many traditional values still seem to exist.
Being brave is a very personal thing, but I’d like to encourage each and every BTST Member to make a conscious effort to practice it.
In my experience, bravery is like a muscle. Once you start using it, it becomes easier and easier over time, and eventually becomes the default setting.
As you practice bravery, you develop confidence and a wonderful feeling of righteousness.
It feels good to do the right thing while others around you do the wrong thing due to fear.
Use Sound Money…
If you save in, and use sound money that cannot be created out of thin air by governments and central banks, your life becomes much better.
You get richer over time, which gives you ever more options — and therefore freedom — as time passes.
And, so long as you store it correctly, it cannot be taken away from you.
And, you don’t need permission from a bank or government to use it.
You have financial freedom in the most literal sense.
Similarly to being brave, and ignoring laws you believe are evil, using sound money is incredibly liberating!
As I’ve been saying for the past 5 years, Bitcoin is the best sound money that has ever existed.
However I’m aware that most Members haven’t released this yet.
And so, with your permission, I’ll continue to nudge you to learn about Bitcoin over the next year :-)
Make it a Game!
As I was writing this new years letter, I realised that this is my New Years Resolution!
Since early 2020, I’ve been angry with people I see as traitors to their fellow Man.
For example “police” who do things like harass and extort Motorists, enforce medical tyranny
and so on, while not pursuing actual criminals.
They are “just following orders”, you understand…
I’ll never agree that people who do this are worthy of any kind of respect.
But, rather than being angry with them, I’m going to start treating dealing with them as a game.
Much as a good Solicitor does when in court I suppose…
I don’t read fiction as a general rule, preferring non-fiction books on topics of interest.
However, just recently, I downloaded a couple of audio books from an Author who’s opinion on matters in the real world I respect.
The two books are part of a 3 part series that I appear to be listening to in reverse order…
The Authors name is Doug Casey and the books are called Assassin and Drug Lord.
In them, the main character is a man by the name of Charles Knight.
And this character really made me think.
Like me (and I’d hazard a guess you if you’re still reading this) he understands that Governments are criminals — or at very least regularly act criminally…
However, rather than get angry with them, he sees dealing with them as a game.
That means he has to break stupid and evil “laws”. And he both enjoys himself and does good for his fellow Man in the process.
I don’t know about you, but I’m going to make a concerted effort to be more like Charles Knight in 2025 I think :-)
Thank you so much for being a Member of BTST and/or Drive Protect in 2025.
I wish you a calm, cheerful and inspired year ahead.
All the best,
P.S. If you’d like to comment on this new years message, or let me know your New Years
Resolution, I’d be very interested to hear it:
Hi Adam, reading today’s item it’s clear you are very much on the same track as me (and many others). My contribution for fighting what many see as WW3 is to select useful / important items from the internet each week and turn them into an email flyer of links. At present this goes out to around 100 people. If you’d like to see it, let me know and a suitable email address.
Adam never misses an opportunity to plug Bitcoin.
I’ve yet to meet anyone who has made any money from it (apart from those who plug it).
Reminds me of snakeoil.
Hi Sam, with respect that makes no sense at all. The *vast* majority (at a guess 99.999%) of people who have ever bought Bitcoin over the last 16 years has significantly increased their purchasing power. You can see this by looking at any Bitcoin price chart.
Happy New Year to All
Mr Blair, can we please have our speed camera detectors, working please.
There would be less chances of getting the speeding fines
Surinder Lotay
“Creep” as you so well put it i believe is excelerating,and especialy now under Labour but it started well before them, i believe politicians of the mainstream partys are all socialists hopefully not, the EU is socialist as we all know .Motorists have been persecuted for years.this country is not a democracy anymore other by name only as both partys do nothing once they are in power to comply with what they were voted in for .
In the 20th century people fought and died for this country for freedom. We cannot afford this creep towards big brother continue . we have the highest number of cameras in the world, its all gone to far, its dangerous , its got to stop.
Well said David, 100% withyou . I would add that the number of young MPs with degree’s in Politics, aand no real life experiences is the main worry for the future . As you righty state we are a “Dictatorship” in all but name
Hi Adam. I actually believe that we are going to see huge changes for the better over the next two years or so. Italy have a majority right wing government. The largest party in the Dutch coalition is right wing. The Belgian government is a centre right coalition. The German government has collapsed with AfD in ascendancy and likely to poll well in the election later this year. The French government has collapsed and I think the UK government is on the point of collapse and will almost certainly not last its full five year term, which will see the collapse of the Net Zero agenda. I’ve been a bit disappointed in Nigel Farage and Reform, but they remain our best hope. Like him or loathe him, Trump’s re-election is likely to be a catalyst for global change. On day one, he has promised to exit the Paris Climate Accord and to leave the UN, depriving them of a huge chunk of their funding, both of which actions, together with his denouncement of the climate change cult and his promise to ‘drill baby, drill’ will be a body blow for the globalist cabal who are getting a bit desperate and even now, are ramping up the pandemic fear porn again—this time it’s avian flu. Trump has set a target for the achievement of his goals of the 250th anniversary of the birth of the USA on 4 July 2026, but I think we could see major global changes before then. So, yes, I’m cautiously optimistic, but only time will tell.
Interesting thoughts Michael.
I have to say tge only politician I admire on the planet resides in Aregentina :-)
Hi Adam although i sometimes disagree with a few of the things you say, i find i agree with many of the views behind them.
I am no longer young and willing to accept stupidity and orders to do something, because it has always been done that way.
I call out Bu.. Sh.. and hate zombie ideas. ie ones that should be dead, or killed but seem to come back to life on a regular basis. Eg variable speed limits help traffic flow. NO they compress traffic just before the cameras. Or where someone reduces the speed on a road and then puts a sign up saying it is that speed for a reason, yes you dropped it!
Or where councils only put in a padestrian crossing if there is a proven need, ie someone was put in hospital or killed?
Thus my hero is Victor Meldrew.
For a bit of New Year fun, you could collect as many zombie ideas as people submit and send them to a Gov transport minister? Is it not obvious tha a good, smooth road system will benefit us all? Pos be a cheap easy way to better productivity?
Funnily enough I’ve seen a few one foot in the grave episodes iver christmas!
Hello Adam,
A well considered poinient message which I am fully in agreement with.
Good to know that there others out there with similar views on this creep to “totalitaryism”
Two other worth while reads are “1984” and “Animal Farm” by George Orwell (Eric Blair)
If good men do nothing, Evil can triumph
What a great piece, filled with good advice and balance, so many thanks Adam, have a great 2025. My New Year’s resolution’s as per your recommendations.
That’s a very decent account of just how the Nazis came to power within Germany in the 1930’s People forget that Adolf Hitler persuaded people, large numbers of people to vote for him, he obtained power by winning an election, just as Donald Trump has done. As you say it was largely lethargy, people not ‘getting off their backside’ until it was too late that enabled him to turn that voted for mandate into becoming absolute power.
And, btw, what an insult that someone as disgusting as Sadiq Khan has been given a knighthood. The same Sadiq Khan who, more than anybody, fleeced motorists. As i say, what an insult?
The truth will out!
We should all make a bit more use of cash again. Bank notes – remember those…? I know waving a bit of plastic (or your phone) at a terminal seems temptingly quick and easy and there can also be the lure of reward points or cashback or similar that card providers offer.
I’m guilty of not paying in cash as often as I used to. But it remains the only way not to be tracked, measured and sold as a data object. We’ll miss it when it’s gone.
I actually totally agree with you, I’m seventy five THIS year and have to say THIS isn’t the country I grew up in.
Our leader and system are steeped in corruption yet many are asleep whilst this is happening.
Big brother is an understatement.
The problem is history and life has taught me trust sadly in our world is a luxury I can’t afford.
I agree. The good thing however is that Bitcoin is replacing cash for uncensorable transactions. Of course there is a bit of a learning curve for people but it offers incredible hope for freedom of transaction.
Spot on Adam.
Hi Adam, I’m after some advice please. A few years ago I purchased a clear paint substance, which I painted on my number plates. I supposedly blurred out the number plate if it were ever caught on a speed camera, it confused the light from the flash. I can’t remember what it was called or where I bought it from. Do you know what it was called? Did it actually work? I didn’t want to test it, just in case! Do you sell it or know anyone that does? I have a new car and wouldn’t mind painting it on my number plates.
Happy New year to you and your team.
Hi Adam, thanks for your views some of which a I agree with. However as a Christian I see it from the spiritual point of view. You mentioned evil ; there is good & evil. If you read Mathew 24 in the bible Jesus prophesied what is happening now, but the last book in the Bible shows how evil is overcome. We have to not accept all lies that are being thrown at us every day but believe in the Truth as most of us were brought up to believe in. The Bible shows us the Truth. I will pray for you and all the members to have the Truth revealed in the spirit this coming year
I like to think of myself as a intelligent man and do not follow the crowd and thinks outside the box so to speak.
I totally agree with you adam and surely i can not be the only one.
I believe there is something a foot in the world i confess my brain can not work out what but believe the world as we know it is in for some major changes.
Still the Majestic 12 ? .
I am old enough to remember better times in this country where things worked and people worked a honest days work for a days pay.
I could ramble on and on ha.
May i wish you and yours a peaceful and hopeful 2025.
Hi Adam
Happy and healthy New Year.
I have read your email and agree with everything you’ve written.
I think they weakened the public will with Covid, and now using frightening weather forecasts to depress us.
You should take very good care of yourself because the ground you are walking is very treacherous .
All the best for the Future
Love that message, literally how I’ve been living my life since Covid was first announced and I called BS from the word go, never wore a mask and tried to educate friends and family, for what it was worth! Anyway keep up the good work and take a look at XRP as a diversification to Bitcoin. All the best
Rob Stevenson
Hi Rob
I respect you hugely for that!
In the subject of XRP, that is a centralised, permissioned, premined, manipulated scam run by a corporation in the US (Ripple).
Happy to expand if you want yo drop me an email :-)
Good new year to you Adam.
I do agree with your new year message
If I might suggest that you look at XRP
Ripple instead of bitcoin which I understand.
XRP was developed by one of the people that started bitcoin, and was done to rectify some of the weaknesses of bitcoin. It is also about to be incorporated into the banking system as the operating system for all financial transactions.
Anyway Happy New Year aD keep up the good works.
Hi David, I am very aware of XRP. It is a complete scam. Happy to elaborate if you send me an email. Cheers! Adam
Hi Adam.
Firstly a happy new year to you and your family,and I do hope you did not spend the whole of Christmas composing your message.
The piece is in my opinion is well written and highlights the misnomer of calling the UK a democracy, the UK and the USA are well on their way to becoming dictatorships the USA somewhat more so. I am glad that I now live in France where at least the general populace are willing (more than willing ) to let the government of the day know of their disagreement / disaffection with proposed or existing policy`s even if it does at times seem a little chaotic.
I was in France for a bit last year and it reminded me of England 30 years ago :-)
Hi again Adam.
Same population as the UK but over twice the size,lots of room !
Huge forest`s, lakes everywhere, and a medical /health service that makes the UK look like a third world country,trains that work and are not expensive.lose your licence through no points or drink driving (they take them off here ),you start with 12 and you lose one or two if you are really speeding, just 10km over the limit you just pay a fine,no court appearance, same with drinking ,not too drunk pay a fine, really drunk lose your licence but you can keep on driving? you just go and buy a Sans Permis, Sans = no, permis =permit /licence to drive from the age of 14 yes 14 , so buy the teenagers a old san permis and no more school run, two cylinder engine,top speed 40km (28 mph ) you are a builder or tradesman no problem they make a pick up and van,lots of people who have never had a licence who do not need to go far buy them, at 28mph it takes a long time to go anywhere ,just a bit more civilized than the UK.
I absolutely agree with you 100% Adam, to many people in this country either behave like sheep or moan about things but do nothing about it, I believe the time is coming when people are going to finally wake up and take control back of our country.