A well known journalist, Iain Dale, has just successfully had his speeding case thrown out of court…
He was “caught” driving at 66 mph by the exact camera we exposed in may last year — on the A20 in Kent.
The speed limit was changed from 70mph to 40mph overnight, with only small “repeater” signs installed to advise drivers of the change:

Iain is a regular user of the A20 and knew the speed limit, but — like the 62,000 other drivers who got scammed — was unaware of the overnight change.
His defense pointed out that there were no signs in the central reservation, and that the only sign was a small repeater, which was essentially invisible at night…
The case first came to court in October. It was then adjourned due to the non-appearance of the “key defense witness”, PC Goodwin.
…perhaps “PC Badlose” might be a more appropriate name, given the result?
Iain’s counsel emphasised that Goodwin’s evidence was crucial to their case, as they needed to cross-examine him…
Despite this, Goodwin again failed to turn up to the second hearing!
Another prosecution “witness”, PC Coomber, also failed to turn up on both occasions…
It seems persecuting Motorists is only worth doing when it doesn’t inconvenience the police.
The CPS initially lied that Coomber was “double-booked” at another court.
However they later changed their story, claiming she had got the wrong day due to “picking up the wrong file”.
It starts to make sense why these types of people join the “police”.
I mean, what private company would employ someone like this?!
When asked if Coomber could appear via video link, the CPS reluctantly agreed.
Iain’s counsel objected, arguing that Coomber’s evidence was not essential, but that Goodwin’s
cross-examination as the “witness” was essential to the defence.
However — predictably — Goodwin didn’t appear *again* due to “a personal reason that can not be disclosed”.
The judge asked why the defense hadn’t been notified of this earlier, and received no clear answer.
The Judge was clearly getting irritated at this point!
Iain’s counsel then presented their case, after which the Judge threw the case out on the basis that the prosecution had offered no evidence.
Iain said:
“It is outrageous that the court system all over London is being thrown into chaos by the plethora of cases being brought.
This morning’s proceedings took up 90 minutes of court time which would have been far better utilised by bringing a case against someone who’d committed a violent crime.”
“She (the Judge) then awarded costs to me. However, I can only claim the equivalent of legal aid back, so I will still be well out of pocket”.
Well done to Iain and his legal team for standing up to these bullies.
The issue of only being able to claim minimal costs back is a real problem in this country — one that DriveProtect fixes :-)
All the best,
P.S. Due to a family bereavement our web developer, Adrian, has been out of action in January.
However, he’s now back and firing on all cylinders.
So I hope to be able to offer a limited number DriveProtect Lifetime Memberships to BTST
Members in the next couple of weeks!
More soon.
“Iain is a regular user of the A20 and knew the speed limit, but — like the 62,000 other drivers who got scammed — was unaware of the overnight change.”
Does this not also leave it open for all the those cases to be overthrown?
We drivers are an easy touch when it comes to driving penalties.
It’s actually all about the money, nothing to do with safety.
Today’s vehicle’s are very safe and efficient so the only way to trap us motorists is to continually play with the speed limits, I will repeat, motorists are an easy target.
Shame the police don’t spend MORE time protecting us from thieves and scammers but targeting us motorists is much more lucrative and easier than actual targeting THE REAL CRIMINALS.
Its obvious why the “witnesses” didn’t appear in court.
When the case gets thrown out of court for their non-attendance, Iain, and only Iain was absolved, through default.
If the case had proceeded with their attendance, and Iain had won, All previous and subsequent people (Who didn’t have time or money or confidence to plead not guilty and attend court) who had pleaded guilty, paid their fines, got their points, would have been in the position to have been reinstated and repaid.
Corruption at its best Ladies and Gents.
Understood. That’s truly shocking and corrupt. Can it go unnoticed by those in power?
What a totally abysmal situation.. that Mr Dale had to go through. It was a reasonable case that he put forward … any speed changes should be notified properly weeks earlier and adequate signage erected.
The Police only had to agree to cancel the matter on his first challenge to the fine and save the Courts and him a fortune.
Badly done by the Authorities too. The Council must bear some blame for not erecting clear notices. Is it the local Council who decide in conjunction with the Police?
Well done to the scheme you run anyway.
It’s easy for the Police to catch us car drivers Because we put our name and address on a small plate on the front and back of our car so they don’t have to do any work just look at a list. If we all went to court we would fill up the court’s and then they may stop booking us.
Surely an appalling case that deserves widespread TV publicity. Maybe one of those Panarama specials? We increasingly live in a police state where some police act above the law and intelligent citizens are faced with less intelligent police officers who hold most of the ace cards when confrontations occur. For the first time in many years we have a Home Secretary who is worthy of the role. Has she been told about this case?