Dear All,
A newsletter to warm the heart today…
An unknown person — possibly a local farmer(?) — has left a huge tree trunk in the location where a speed camera van regularly parks in Cheltenham:
I love stories like this…
It shows there are still people in this country who fight back against the (so called) Police extorting innocent Drivers going about their daily business.
A Mobile speed camera van perched up on this private land 25 times last year, ‘catching’ a staggering 291 Motorists out.
Police have asked the owner of the land to move the trunk.
I hope they have a strong enough backbone to simply ignore them, or even better just say no…
I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on this “civil disobedience” in the comments below:
All the best,
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I found a camera van parked on the end of my drive, so I firmly asked them to bugger off.
I would charge for every time they parked on my land and also issue them with parking fines, the notice was blocked by leaves.
well done and well said …thanks
Give the farmer a medal.
I think you will find that is not private land, but I would tell then to move it, as I wish to open my gates
I remember when the POLICE were respected and were there to help us, Now we are there to be bullied by the POLICE. Whatever country USA, CHINA, RUSSIA or UK they are not there to help us just to protect the ESTABLISHMENT.
Depends if the landowner owns the verge.
The average sized tree trunk could be a danger to road users.
Those found to be exceeding the speed limit are not “ Innocent “
Police do not gain financially from the fines.
they do from the driver awareness courses.
these days there’s no disgression and I got nicked doing 43 in a 40 so they’re just weapons of mass cask extraction end of
You should have contested, they charge you if you are 10% over (although my neighbour a policeman, says 5% +2)
Good on the farmer…the police farce have no right to park on his land and surely it’s illegal to block the access gates to his land which looks like they are used quite frequently.
This is an example of the police exceeding their authority, and what cheek to ask the farmer to remove the tree.
looks like it’s the entrance to the farmers field and presumably not part of the highway, and privately owned. I wouldn’t have thought the police would have any right or legal grounds to request its removal?
I think the good Samaritan could brighten up the lane by replacing the log with a reclaimed giant ghetto planter, that councils are using to restrict movement in the 15 minute cities.
Much better use for one of those.
Put an even bigger one alongside it
Carry out an independent review into Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs)
should have put it on top of the van
A ‘Thumb Up’ from me!
Careful, it may be special branch.
I don’t think it was Special Branch otherwise they would have twigged by now and logged the incident??????
Perhaps the farmer has trouble with caravans parking on his land, and he is preventing illegal access to his field.
If he owns the land he can put that tree trunk there without breaking any law whatsoever .
Inform the Local Authority that someone had dumped the litter, and ask them to remove it as it appears to be on the highway.
I’d put a strictly no parking notice on the gate along with a clamping notice and then the next time they park there he should clamp their van!
Gets a Ten from Len!!
Well done to the farmer.
There is one by the A1 by the Metro centre, Gateshead, they got there own spot write byside the flyover (be very careful you can only do 50).
If the land owner’s boundary includes that small area of land, then the cops are breaking a law by parking on it. The owner can put what he likes there if indeed the land is his. How about a home-made ‘stinger’? That’ll stop the bastards parking there
Just been reading a story of a pensioner who was out on the road with his shiny new BMW at 120 mph he suddenly saw a police car behind so he floored it to 130…140…150 then thought ‘I’m too old for this’ so he slowed to a stop and waited for the cop car to catch up. As the cop pulled in behind he got out of his car and walked over to the BMW. He told the pensioner “My shift finishes in 10 minutes. If you can give me one good reason that I haven’t heard before why you were speeding, I’ll let you go. The pensioner looked at him and replied. “Well a year ago my wife ran off with a policeman. I thought you were bringing her back. The cop gave a wry smile and said as he turned and walked back to his car “Enjoy the rest of your day sir!”
Just been reading a story of a pensioner who was out on the road with his shiny new BMW at 120 mph he suddenly saw a police car behind so he floored it to 130…140…150 then thought ‘I’m too old for this’ so he slowed to a stop and waited for the cop car to catch up. As the cop pulled in behind he got out of his car and walked over to the BMW. He told the pensioner “My shift finishes in 10 minutes. If you can give me one good reason that I haven’t heard before why you were speeding, I’ll let you go. The pensioner looked at him and replied. “Well a year ago my wife ran off with a policeman. I thought you were bringing her back. The cop gave a wry smile and said as he turned and walked back to his car “Enjoy the rest of your day sir!”
Thanks for that one – started my day with a laugh.
Thats such a lovely little joke.
No-one seems to know who put the tree there, the Police have only guessed it was the Farmer. Therefore he should inform them it’s not his tree and would they arrange it’s removal without any cost to him. It appears to me that one of the ‘ensnared’ victims did the job ?
next time police park there,the farmer should drive past with his muck spreader and turn it on,cover them in s–t please.
Good man
I was under the impression that the Police had to have permission to park their speed vans, I was told that Surrey County Council give them permission to park on grass verges. If I was the farmer I would charge them at least £1000 every time they park there.
Surely if those gates lead on to HIS/HER land, and they park one of their ‘revenue raising’ vans there, then they are blocking his/her access. Cant’ be legal, can it?
If the police promise to stop all fly-tipping in field entrances like this, and to persuade any caravan owners who bring their vehicles through these and other gates like them, then, and only then, might I consider their request to the farmer reasonable (if, indeed, he did put the tree there).
As a matter of interest, if speeding tickets were issued from a van parked illegally, are those fines valid..?
I love it !
I suppose the tree could have been left at the gate to deter caravan dwellers or fly tippers? Anyway, was the van parking with the landowner’s permission? As for asking the landowner to move it, personally I’d say to plod – not mine guv’nor – but you can shift it if you wish. Of course, it would be possible to churn the gate area to make it impassably muddy, alternatively the landowner could charge rent, say 10% of all takings?
Brilliant. Well done that man (or woman). Speed cameras are just about money, not about safe driving
Ay first sight – great !
However, there is a downside to this – the locals/regular users of this road will be aware & not get caught.
Now, the scamera van will find a new place & more people will get caught.
If the log is on his land tell the dibbles to foxtrot Oscar
If it’s on private land and it’s not a hazard or causing an obstruction, then the farmer should not be legally obliged to move it. Van could find somewhere else to park.
Nice one, Terry and Peter Green: it looks like a trunk road. Keep up the good work, Adam, it’s much appreciated.