Traffic Police Are Bullies

Dear All, Manchester Police have been up to their favourite game of bullying Motorists. On Sunday they were reported in the mainstream media for acting like the gang they are… One victim was retired ex-union official Glen Dyson. He was pulled over by TWELVE police in six cars …for a mis-spaced number plate! He initially thought the so-called police were …

Pi Cryptocurrency Opportunity

Dear All, Pi is a new “social cryptocurrency” which launched in early 2019 and is secured and backed by ‘everyday people’ by mining via their smartphones or tablet computers. It does this instead of using specialised (and expensive!) mining equipment such as the ASIC miners that secure the Bitcoin network. If you’ve read the BTST Member Bitcoin Report …

Speed Camera Scam

Dear All Happy 2022! It occurred to me a few weeks ago when I was on my way to Brands Hatch for the final race of our season that I hadn’t written a BTST newsletter in quite a while… The reason – of course – is that I’ve been so pre-occupied with the launch of …

Face Recognition Cameras on UK Roads?

Dear All, A friend sent me a video last night from a guy called Rob Braxman in California. In the video Rob went through all the ways that facial recognition cameras are being rolled out around the World to remove our privacy and impede our freedom. Just a very short section of the video was …

Who OWNS You?

Dear All, “Happy new year”… It hasn’t quite got the same ring to it this year, has it? :-) I’ve been mulling over what I should write about in the now traditional new years message to Members for about a week now… To be honest, I’ve been torn and it’s been stressing me out quite a bit! …

Bitcoin All Time High!

Ten Months ago we released a report to BTST Members about Bitcoin. It explained in great detail why I strongly believe it’s essential to protect your hard earned wealth against the inflation of the banking system we currently live under. On the day the Report released, the price of Bitcoin was around £7800. Yesterday, Bitcoin broke its previous all …

Police *EVERYWHERE* (& TALEX 3 Update)

Dear All, I went on 135 mile road test yesterday (Friday) to give my feedback on the latest TALEX 3 firmware upgrades. We’ve resolved almost all of the teething issues and I expect the next version to be the final product… The road test took me along various types of roads, and through several towns. …

The Latest Domino Falls: Cineworld Collapses

Dear All, It was back in April that I last talked to Members about the dire state of the UK (and World) economy… Cineworld, the 2nd largest cinema chain in the UK, have just announced they are going out of business with the loss of 45,000 jobs. Most of these people aren’t going to find work elsewhere, because the government …

Did We Just Win The War on Smart Motorways?!

Dear All, Like many people, I’ve been living under a rock for the past few months during “lockdown”. I haven’t ventured on to any motorways because …well… there was nowhere to go! So you can imagine my utter confusion when we went to visit the in-laws for the first time in months yesterday and the “smart” motorway on …

Speedboat Crashes In To Speed Camera Van!

Check out our video of the Speed Boat that Crashed in to a Speed Camera Van! When we heard about a speed camera van getting crashed in to by a speed boat just down the road, we couldn’t resist going to film it :-)